I’m Malika Dudley
Most days you can find me chasing my children, sitting in front of my green screen, nose in a book or consuming personal and professional development online. I’m a Big Island girl at heart, and now a Maui mama. I’m a wife to my husband Kaimi, and devoted mother of two amazing, spirited, kolohe (rascal) little ones. I’m a podcaster, journalist, host, producer, coach, consultant, writer, singer, teacher, student, lover of nature, and a woman who simultaneously seeks calming comforts and soul-awakening adventures!
I am mostly known for serving my community with up-to-the-minute pro bono severe weather updates – yes, the weather isn’t always perfect! People often refer to them as “tita bun” updates, as most days you’ll find me in yoga pants and a mom bun. Otherwise, this surfer mama lives in a bikini!
The things I’m most passionate about in life are family, friends, and serving my community in whatever small way I can.
I enjoy teaching free CPR classes, donating blood with the Blood Bank of Hawaii (I’m O+ baby!), organizing food drives/fundraisers for the Maui Food Bank, helping to promote local people and businesses, using my platform as an influencer to encourage sustainable living practices, regularly hosting events, and (try my best at) inspiring people at my speaking engagements.
“Embrace the glorious mess that you are”.
-Elizabeth Gilbert
With my podcast and this new website, I hope to provide a safe space for us to share about our communication struggles, and learn from experts the tangible strategies that we can use to help beautify our communication in our relationships, online, at work, in our home, and even with that inner bully in our heads.
I really believe in embracing our true selves, and hope to guide my children so that they can be emotionally intelligent, socially responsible, caring citizens that give back to our local community and strive to help others (and the earth) to be healthy and happy.
As a recovering perfectionist, I’ve adopted a new family motto which revolves around progress. It’s not uncommon to hear, “slow progress, is still progress,” and “practice makes progress” in our home.
If you’re yearning for a mama-friend to grow with, share with, learn with, and commiserate with - I’m your girl.
You might have seen me on:

You might be surprised…
to know these six random things about me! These are the TRUTHS that tend to stump people whenever I play “two truths and a lie.”
My heart was bursting!
“Here are just a few things that her fellow contestants have said about her. Everyone wants her company. She’s gone out of her way to be encouraging and helpful. She’s spirited, energetic, and generous. She has an addictive smile, laugh, and personality. She’s beautiful inside and out, and she truly brings happiness to everybody she encounters. Pretty high praise. Miss Congeniality is… Miss Hawaii, Malika Dudley.”
James Denton, Desperate Housewives
Host, Miss America Pageant

I’m an #Instamama…
@MalikaDudley for life’s ups & downs, Maui, motherhood, and the daily hustle. Tap below!

Join the 'ohana
I generally use social media to connect with all of you, but we all know that it’s easy to miss things! This list is your sure fire way to be in the know. Monthly updates, inspo, and resources to help you live your best life!